Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013 was a highlight of my trip to Prague, Czech Republic – such a colorful and fun celebration! Thousands of open-minded participants from all over the world, wearing costumes, waiving rainbow flags, and holding banners, walked through the streets of Prague’s Old Town. It was joyful to watch the crowd of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, their families, friends, and loved ones dancing, singing, making noise, and smiling to the World with enthusiasm, acceptance and pride!
Click on image to view full size.
To be continued…
Great pictures. The colors are amazing! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Masha! Glad you like them!
memographer recently posted..Photo Reportage from Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013
Looks like a fantastically fun affair! You’ve captured the atmosphere well!
Anisha Shah recently posted..What A Difference A Year Makes!
Thank you, Anisha! It was a fun event! I have a good number of photos to add. Please subscribe or come back in a few days for more fun shots ;)
Great snaps Memo. The last one is my favorite – everything in a grey scale except the flag. Nicely done!
Maria recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Japan
Thank you, Maria! I like the last one too :)
memographer recently posted..Photo Reportage from Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013
I was supposed to participate in a gay parade (as a watcher) in Amsterdam, but I had to go to Brussels instead. Looks like it was a nice event. Looks at these people, love the way they express their sexuality! Great snapshot!!
Agness recently posted..Postcards from I AMsterdam
Wow, so colourful. Some of these outfits are amazing.
TammyOnTheMove recently posted..Capture the colour competition 2013
You’ve got this so well covered, Alex, that it’s almost like being there. The shot of the bemused police or security officer on the balcony is a great extra. The little white dog is quite fine with it all, though!
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