Tag : Gay parade Prague Pride 2013

Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013

The last set of my people watching street photography from gay parade Prague Pride 2013. Read a pilot post Photo Reportage from Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013 here, view all photos from the event here. Click on image to view full size.

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Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013

The continuing photo story of my people watching in Prague, Czech Republic. I’ve selected another set of 30+ street photos from Prague Pride parade and will publish all images in two posts. Just a reminder, this event started at 1PM and ended at 4PM on Saturday, August 17, 2013. The route: Na příkopech, Republiky square, Revoluční, Dlouhá, Staroměstské náměstí, Pařížská …

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Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013

Honestly, the outfits, flags, banners, balloons, umbrellas, badges… I haven’t seen that many “rainbows” in my entire life :) This is the second part of Photo Reportage from Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013. Please view all posts/photos from the gay parade here. Click on image to view full size. To be continued…

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Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013

Gay Parade Prague Pride 2013 was a highlight of my trip to Prague, Czech Republic – such a colorful and fun celebration! Thousands of open-minded participants from all over the world, wearing costumes, waiving rainbow flags, and holding banners, walked through the streets of Prague’s Old Town. It was joyful to watch the crowd of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender …

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Prague, Czech Republic

This is the “pilot post” of my EuroTrip 2013. I’ve taken 2,500+ photos in Prague, Czech Republic and Minsk, Belarus and can’t wait to share with you my favorite shots. As usual, during the trip I worked on several subjects/themes. So, the following themed posts are at the top of my publishing list. Some of them will have multiple parts. …

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