A flashback, or involuntary recurrent memory, is a psychological phenomenon in which an individual has a sudden, usually powerful, re-experiencing of a past experience or elements of a past experience. The term is used particularly when the memory is recalled involuntarily, and/or when it is so intense that the person “relives” the experience, unable to fully recognize it as memory and not something that is happening in “real time”… [Wikipedia]
Each and Every Friday from now on, I will be sharing with you a memory/photo from the past. Sometimes a few photos ;)
This week the memories come from my beloved Paris, France.
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Another great photo essay and it brings back memories for me as well. Spent many hours outside the Louvre – back in the day, you’d walk out, turn left and there was an awesome, tiny tobacco shop that also served great coffee on the side street. *wistful sigh*
Maria recently posted..Haiku – Take Flight