Paying tribute to Delta, my home airline, I continue ‘Delta Air Lines – The History In Magazine Advertising’ series, dedicated to Delta’s 85th Anniversary.
As in previous posts, I start with history facts and finish with the images of magazine advertisements. Today’s subjects are The History of Delta’s Logo and Magazine Ads From 1960s.
Delta Air Lines Logos
Originally created in 1925 for the Huff Daland Dusting Company. Thor, the Norse god of thunder, war and agriculture, symbolizes the fight against the boll weevil insect in the 1920s.
First passenger service logo featured Mercury, the Roman god of travel and commerce. The triangle represents the “D” of the Greek alphabet, which is “Delta.”
This winged triangle logo represents the Greek letter “Delta” and was used from 1934-1951. From 1934-1939, often seen the inscription “AM 24” (Air Mail Route 24) inside triangle.
The “Flying D” logo was used by Delta from 1945-1953, with variations of the logo appearing up to 1959.
Delta-C&S logo combines Delta’s “Flying D” logo and Chicago & Southern Air Lines, which merged with Delta on May 1, 1953. For two years, the airline was known as Delta-C&S.
Return to the “Flying D” logo used before merger with Chicago and Southern Air Lines.
The Delta jet red and blue “widget” logo was introduced on the first Delta jet in 1959 and was used in some variation until 2007.
Jet “widget” logo introduced during Delta’s “Royal JET Service” promotion for its first jet, the Douglas DC-8, in 1959.
Sideways widget logo represented the speed of jets.
Widget in oval logo.
Large widget extends over the top of the word DELTA. “AIR LINES” may be included in smaller letters.
U.S. Bicentennial logo.
Widget + Delta logo.
April 1, 1985
Signature Service logo.
Full corporate name logo.
Full corporate name logo updated.
Updated Widget Logo. Dropped the words “Air” and “Lines” from the previous logo and softening the arch in the triangle.
Based on employee feedback and nostalgia associated with Delta’s 75th anniversary, the Heritage Widget replaced the softer widget logo.
3-dimensional red widget logo. On April 30, 2007, Delta Air Lines presented a completely new look, the same day the airline emerged from bankruptcy. The triangle is now all red, with one side in a slightly darker shade to give the symbol some depth.
Delta Air Lines Magazine Ads From 1960’s
Delta was the first airline to use Jet Service. In 1959, with introduction of the Jets, the airline’s slogan is The Airline with the BIG JETS, and most of the advertisements created with this slogan in mind. In the end of 1960s, Delta highlighted the importance of customer service in its “The One…” advertising campaign- The One Plane Airline, The One Family Airline, The One Passenger Airline, etc.
Click on image to view full size.
1960 Delta Airlines World’s Fastest Jetliner Convair-880 Magazine Ad
1960 Delta Airlines Living Room Comfort Convair-880 Jet Liner Magazine Ad
1960 Delta Airlines Fastest Quietest Most Luxurious Convair-880 Magazine Air
1964 Delta Airlines World’s Fair Print Ad
1966 Delta Airlines Jet To Her Side Print Ad
1966 Delta Airlines Stewardess Flight Attendant 4 Good Reasons Print Ad
1967 Version of the Ad above :)
1967 Delta Airlines The One Plane Airline Print Ad
1968 Delta Airlines One Family Print Ad
1968 Delta Airlines One Passenger Airline Print Ad
1968 Delta Airlines One Stewardess Airline Print Ad
1969 Delta Airlines Stewardess Flight Attendant No Floor Show Print Ad
1969 Delta Airlines Ticket For Speeding Print Ad
I told you in the previous airline post that I absolutely love this stuff, Memographer! My (ex) wife worked for an airline. What an education I got. The only airline I’ve flown on that “gets it” for the customer is Southwest. Meaning…that I feel like the flight attendants are right there with me. Just talk to me like I’m a real person. The part of services, etc is an entirely different realm of discussion. Awesome post! :)
Mike recently posted..A German Pancake Recipe for Mike and Phoenix
Thank you, Mike! So glad you like the post.
I wish I had experienced the 1950-1960s, the “Good times”! I’m kinda jealous [wink]
Memographer recently posted..Delta Air Lines Fleet – Magazine Ads From 1920’s-1950’s
I want to fly on the Delta Convair 880 – talk about luxury!
Thanks for continuing this series. :-D
Maria Falvey recently posted..Haiku – Unscripted Ally
Delta Convair 880 would be my choice too, Maria. I hope we’ll get the seats together… But, you should know, I am not a gentleman when decide on a “window” or “aisle” [wink]
Thank you for coming back!
Memographer recently posted..Delta Air Lines – The History in Magazine Advertising
Love looking at things like this, provides such an insight into how fashion and tastes have changed over the years. Thanks for sharing :)
Catherine recently posted..Reading List #1
Yes, Catherine, I love to look at the equipment too. Wait for the next post of Delta’s Ads from 70s (live on April 1st). Computers and phones looked very different then [smile] Thanks for stopping by!
Memographer recently posted..Delta Air Lines Fleet – Magazine Ads From 1920’s-1950’s
Love vintage ads, thanks for sharing!
Becky Padmore recently posted..Highlights of Sri Lanka’s southern coast by David’s Been Here
Thanks for stopping by, Becky!
Hi Alex, I so love this! Not because I’m a Delta loyalist, but I like seeing the evolution in the logo and ads and the great sense of nostalgia in them. I love old ads. Have you been to the Museum of Radio and TV in NYC? I go there and love watching old TV ads. Now let me go check out your previous post. Been away and just catching up.
Marisol@TravelingSolemates recently posted..Bhutan: The Hike to the Tiger’s Nest Monastery
Thank you, Marisol! I love vintage stuff. Especially from 1950s era. I haven’t been to the Museum of Radio and TV in NYC yet. It is on my list now [wink].
Memographer recently posted..Delta Air Lines Fleet – Magazine Ads From 1920’s-1950’s