Tiger Temple, or Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua, is a Theravada Buddhist temple in western Thailand that was founded as a forest sanctuary for wild animals. The majority of animals are Indochinese tigers.
From my (visitor’s) point of view, Tiger Temple is like all-inclusive resort for tigers :) Tigers get free meals, drinks, Thai body massages, and entertainment. They have Tiger Canyon (a sandy-beach resting area), and two pools- one for adults and one for kids. The only difference between the tiger resort and human resort is a chain/leash the tigers are attached to during visitors time. But, as we all know, a chain/leash might be a good solution for some folks in human all-inclusive resorts too ;)
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Would love to get up close to tigers. I have heard that a few of these establishments in Thailand are not very animal friendly though (they drug the tigers, so that tourists can pose with them).
TammyOnTheMove recently posted..The ups and downs of work field trips to rural Cambodia
I’ve heard that too, Tammy, and thought that’s the case. However, I’ve recently watched a documentary about this temple… No drugs!
Memographer recently posted..Tiger Temple: All-inclusive Resort for Tigers
Memo, the monks seem to have a very special relationship with all the animals. Beautiful shots.
Maria recently posted..Wordless Wednesday – Italy
Thank you, Maria. Monks and volunteers take care of tigers 31. So they are one family.
Yes, Alex, this looks like Club Med for tigers! Love the series, and especially the ones showing the interaction between the tigers and the monks.
Andrew Graeme Gould recently posted..Santiago, Chile: More from the streets
Thanks, Andrew! Yes, the interaction between the tigers and people is exciting one. You should see a shot of me walking a tiger ;)
Sensational photos!
Colleen Brynn recently posted..Inside A Gulag
Thanks, Colleen!
Memographer recently posted..EuroTrip 2013: Czech Republic and Belarus
Most pictures I’ve seen from Thailand are tourists posing with the tigers. This set of pictures really makes me appreciate how beautiful they are and their special relationship with the monks. Yes, some humans can use a leash and a muzzle at all-inclusive resorts. :) Stunning photos!
Mary {The World Is A Book} recently posted..Cruising Prague’s Vltava River
Thanks, Mary, appreciate your comment.
I’m so jealous these tigers are having free Thai-massage everyday! Seriously, this an amazing temple/animal sanctuary. I love how you capture the interaction between the monks and the tigers. It’s very profound and touching. Amazing photos.
Marisol@TravelingSolemates recently posted..Hiking and Devouring in Cinque Terre – Part 1
Thank you, Marisol! The monks take care of the tigers from their birth… They are one family.
Memographer recently posted..EuroTrip 2013: Czech Republic and Belarus
Beautiful set of photos ! I’m glad the tigers are so well taken care of by the monks. haha I agree with you they would better put some people on chains in human all inclusive resorts especially when the alcohol is included all night.
Freya recently posted..In the Spotlight: Arenal Volcano National Park
Thanks, Freya!
Yes, human all inclusive resorts may get some tips from Tiger Temple :)
amazing shots of the tigers, its such a shame they have to be on chains, it would help even things up a bit if the humans were as well :)
Vicki recently posted..Kangaroos and Vineyards
Thanks, Vicki! The tigers are not on the chains all time (same as people in human resorts) :)
Sadly, this is just another tourist attraction that exploits animals for human entertainment. What you don’t mention here is the number of tiger attacks that happen each year at Tiger Temple, or the similar Tiger Kingdom in Chiang Mai.
Mindy & Ligeia recently posted..What I Miss About Berlin
Tigers are tigers (wild animals). They attack in Zoo and Circus. All visitors of Tiger Temple sign the release form when buying tickets. Not sure about the number of attacks at Tiger Temple, but I’m sure there are some.