Tag : Memography of Running

43 BMW Berlin Marathon. 25 September 2016

I have a confession to make… I have lost all photos from my EuroTrip 2016. One of my longest trips to Europe since 2000 ended up without any photography coverage. I can’t explain how frustrating this is… While in Europe, I had shared a few mobile pictures on my social media networks. If I only knew those shared photos will …

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#OwnChicago - Chicago Marathon

Dedicated to my 1995-2015 race. I’m very pleased to introduce you Memographer’s new project- Memography of Running, a project that combines my three favorite hobbies: Photography, Travel and Running. You’ve seen plenty of Photography and Travel here, now it’s time to catch up on the Running part. If you are not a runner, this story may sound pretty boring to …

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