Dedicated to my 1995-2015 race.

I’m very pleased to introduce you Memographer’s new project- Memography of Running, a project that combines my three favorite hobbies: Photography, Travel and Running.
You’ve seen plenty of Photography and Travel here, now it’s time to catch up on the Running part. If you are not a runner, this story may sound pretty boring to you; so feel free to scroll down to the pictures [wink]

My first marathon destination was Chicago, Illinois and its famous Bank of America Chicago Marathon. The Road to Chicago looks easy from mobile photos taken on a flight [smile]. However, it was a very challenging training path for me. I decided to return to endurance running on February 28, 2014 after almost 20 years long break in running. On that day, I became the Atlanta Track Club member to be able to register for the AJC Peachtree Road Race 10K without its entry lottery.

After the Peachtree, I decided to train for a marathon race. Unfortunately, I hit the road too fast too soon and got injured. So the first steps of this project made in a cast-boot [smile]. I recovered and trained hard. Surprisingly, I didn’t skip a single training session of my 18-week Hal Higdon Marathon Training Program; I ran 4-days a week and cross-trained one day; completed 72 runs from 2 miles to 20 miles long; I ran during rains and storms, under burning sun and in darkness of nights, in 100F degrees heat and 100% humidity… I had two goals for my first marathon: to finish it injury free and to finish it in less than 4 hours. I finished the first half of the race in less than 2 hours, but couldn’t keep up the sub-4 marathon pace… Nevertheless, my First Marathon was a huge success. I’ve finished it injury free and I had, hands down, the most incredible enlightening and wonderful running experience… I got hooked on marathon running!

I’m proud to say I #OwnChicago! but, most importantly, I “own” something else, and it is in my heart forever.

***Just FYI, 
#OwnChicago is an official hashtag of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon.
Spirit of the Marathon is a 2007 documentary film directed by Jon Dunham. The film chronicles the journey six marathon runners experience while training and competing in the 2005 Chicago Marathon.
– The Chicago Marathon is one of the six races of World Marathon Majors series. Five others: Boston Marathon, New York Marathon, Berlin Marathon, London Marathon and Tokyo Marathon.
– The Chicago Marathon is limited to 45,000 runners and only runners who finish within 6½ hours are officially timed.
– The runners wishing to participate in the Chicago Marathon can register after either meeting a time qualifying standard or being selected through a general Entry Lottery.
– The Chicago Marathon record finish time is 2 hrs 03 min 45 sec (Dennis Kimetto, 2013). The average finish time of the Chicago Marathon is 4 hrs 33 min 03 sec (2014).

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#OwnChicago Sign on the Course of Chicago Marathon

#OwnChicago Sign on the Course of Chicago Marathon

The Flight

Atlanta Airport train announcement today is "C" as in "Chicago Marathon"

Atlanta Airport train announcement today is “C” as in “Chicago Marathon”

Delta Flight to Chicago

Delta Flight to Chicago

Delta Flight to Chicago

Delta Flight to Chicago

Delta Flight to Chicago

Delta Flight to Chicago

Delta Flight to Chicago

Delta Flight to Chicago

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago CTA Train Ticket... Love Chicago!

Chicago CTA Train Ticket… Love Chicago!

A long line to the Expo Shuttle

A long line to the Expo Shuttle

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

Chicago Marathon Expo at McCormick Place

The Night Before

We Unite Diverse Talents

We Unite Diverse Talents

The Congress Plaza Hotel

The Congress Plaza Hotel

The Congress Plaza Hotel

The Congress Plaza Hotel

The Race Day

Chicago Marathon Start Line, Corral F

Chicago Marathon Start Line, Corral F

The Chicago Theater on The Chicago Marathon Course

The Chicago Theater on The Chicago Marathon Course

The Chicago Marathon Finisher's Medal

The Chicago Marathon Finisher’s Medal

Post-race Goose Island Beer

Post-race Goose Island Beer

Downtown Chicago

Downtown Chicago

Downtown Chicago

Downtown Chicago

Downtown Chicago

Downtown Chicago

My Preeeecious!

My Preeeecious!

The Departure

The Departure

The Departure

The Departure

The Departure

The Departure

The Departure