On December 3, 2007 during my trip to London, England I took several photos of the Big Ben. The “captured” time on the Clock Tower was Noon…
English word Noon is derived from Latin word Nones – the Ninth Hour, what is Nona Hora in Latin. However, Nona Hora, the Ninth Hour, signifies much more than Noon. The 9th hour of daylight is the symbolic time of Jesus’ death on the Cross. As the Roman day started on 6:00 a.m., at sunrise, the first hour would have been from 6:00 till 7:00 a.m. and the ninth hour from 2:00 till 3:00 p.m. (the time of Jesus’ death on the Cross). The Noon originally applied at 3:00 p.m., but by 1100 AD the meaning had shifted to midday.
My photo/memo project Nona Hora is dedicated to illustrating the Beauty of the world around us in order to thank Jesus, who sacrificed his life for letting us enjoy this Beauty.
Here are the very first photos of Nona Hora taken on December 3, 2007 in London, edited in Havant, England, and loaded to Flickr on December 13, 2007. It was exciting to find these images today in my Flickr account, which I stopped using a while ago.
Click on image to view full size.
Over the last 5 years I have photographed so many incredible places around the World, met so many beautiful people, and enjoyed so much unforgettable time… I am very thankful for all of these good times and memories!
What a great recap of some wonderful places!
Colleen Brynn recently posted..How Going To School Has Been Like Traveling (And Why You Should Try It)
Thanks, Colleen. The World is wonderful.
Memographer recently posted..On My Shelves. My Travel Bring-back Collection. Season 5