Mayan Apocalypse did not happen, and I have decided to celebrate the beginning of New Era by baking my favorite desert- Russian Apple Cake ‘Charlotte’ (Пирог Шарлотка, pronounced as ‘Sharlotka’). Even more, I’ve thought it might be a good idea to share International recipes here in my Travel Photo Journal. Honestly, I do not cook at all. But, I can do anything if photography is involved, hee-hee. So, here you go, my first ever ‘Recipe in Pictures’ and, possibly, the beginning of my so-called Instagram project ;)

Cook it and please let me know how you like it.


  • Chicken Eggs
  • Baking Flour (all-purpose flours with a protein range below 15% will work)
  • Granulated Sugar
  • Sweet Apples
  • Cooking Oil (or nonstick oil spray)
My Recipe in Pictures: Apple Charlotte Cake Desert. Ingredients.

My Recipe in Pictures: Apple Charlotte Cake Desert. Ingredients.


  • Cake Pan
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Cup 8 oz (250 ml)
  • Spring Whisk
  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Cutting Board
My Recipe in Pictures: Apple Charlotte Cake Desert. Cookware.

My Recipe in Pictures: Apple Charlotte Cake Desert. Cookware.


Step 1.

Take 4 chicken eggs, 3 sweet apples, 3/4 cup of granulated sugar, 1 cup of baking flour. These should be enough for 6-8 servings cake.

Step 1. Take 4 chicken eggs, 3 apples, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour.

Step 1. Take 4 chicken eggs, 3 apples, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour.

Step 1. Take 4 chicken eggs, 3 apples, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour.

Step 1. Take 4 chicken eggs, 3 apples, 3/4 cup of sugar, 1 cup of flour.

Step 2.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (about 180 degrees Celsius).

Step 2. Turn on an oven and preheat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 Celsius)

Step 2. Turn on an oven and preheat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (177 Celsius)

Step 3.

In mixing bowl, whisk 4 eggs and combine/mix with 3/4 cup of granulated sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour.

You may add vanilla or coconut or cinnamon flavoring. When a cake is done, you may add powdered sugar or honey as a topping. I like this apple cake without any add-ons and recommend to mix and cook it according to my directions (at least the first cake). If you experiment with add-ons, please share your ideas in comments below.

Step 3. Whisk 4 eggs and mix with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 3. Whisk 4 eggs and mix with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 3. Mix 4 eggs with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 3. Mix 4 eggs with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 3. Mix 4 eggs with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 3. Mix 4 eggs with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 3. Mix 4 eggs with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 3. Mix 4 eggs with 3/4 cup of sugar, then add and mix 1 cup of flour

Step 4.

Slice 3-4 apples depending on its size. Split an apple in half and quarters, cut out the seeds and ends, and slice the wedges.

Step 4. Slice 3-4 apples depending on its size. Split an apple in half and quarters, cut out the seeds and ends, and slice the wedges.

Step 4. Slice 3-4 apples depending on its size. Split an apple in half and quarters, cut out the seeds and ends, and slice the wedges.

Step 5.

Have ready a cake pan and coat it with one table spoon of cooking oil or with nonstick oil spray.

Step 5. Coat a cake pan with cooking oil or nonstick oil spray.

Step 5. Coat a cake pan with cooking oil or nonstick oil spray.

Step 6.

Fill a cake pan with half of prepared cake mixture, add a layer of sliced apples, and cover apples with the rest of cake mixture.
An oven should be ready by now – 350 degrees Fahrenheit (about 180 degrees Celsius).

Step 6. Fill a cake pan with half of prepared cake mixture, add a layer of sliced apples, and cover apples with the rest of a cake mixture.

Step 6. Fill a cake pan with half of prepared cake mixture, add a layer of sliced apples, and cover apples with the rest of a cake mixture.

Step 6. Fill a cake pan with half of prepared cake mixture, add a layer of sliced apples, and cover apples with the rest of a cake mixture.

Step 6. Fill a cake pan with half of prepared cake mixture, add a layer of sliced apples, and cover apples with the rest of a cake mixture.

Step 6. Fill a cake pan with half of prepared cake mixture, add a layer of sliced apples, and cover apples with the rest of a cake mixture.

Step 6. Fill a cake pan with half of prepared cake mixture, add a layer of sliced apples, and cover apples with the rest of a cake mixture.

Step 7.

Bake for 40 minutes.

Step 7. Bake for 40 minutes.

Step 7. Bake for 40 minutes.

Step 7. Bake for 40 minutes.

Step 7. Bake for 40 minutes.

Step 8.

Cool in pan for 10 minutes; remove/flip-over to a plate to cool completely.

Step 8. Cool in pan for 10 minutes; remove/flip-over to a plate to cool completely.

Step 8. Cool in pan for 10 minutes; remove/flip-over to a plate to cool completely.

Step 9. Slice and serve with a cup of hot tea.

Step 9. Slice and serve with a cup of hot tea.

Step 9.

Slice and serve with hot tea.

Step 9. Slice and serve with a cup of hot tea.

Step 9. Slice and serve with a cup of hot tea.
